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Changing Colors On Your Palette

Changing to sap green on my palette

Changing Greens on My Palette

Are you a creature of habit like me.  My first real art teacher shared his palette with me over 20 years ago and I’ve been using it ever since.  However, recently after trying out sap green in a Golden Open Acrylics set, I decided to change from Hookers Green to Sap Green.

I know, right?  Huge change for me (she said with her tongue firmly planted in her cheek).  The thing is, you have to know how each color on your palette reacts to each other color.

There are 2 ways to do that. You can make a color chart or you can do what I did in the video below.  I chose to see how Sap Green and Hookers Green each reacted with my Cad Yellow medium, Cad Red deep, Alizarin Crimson, Turquoise Deep and white.

When you’re doing something like this you have to wash your brush after each mixture or you really won’t know what you’re getting after each mixture.  My point is, it is relatively time consuming but the information you will gain is invaluable.

In the video I’ll show you how to do it and what I learned from it.  If you have any questions or comments, please leave them on the video and I’ll get back to you ASAP.

Thanks so much for being here today.  I want to help 1000 purpose driven beginning painters get a solid foundation through fundamentals, elements of art and tutorials so that they can move their art journey forward faster.  If that’s you click HERE for how we can work together on that.

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It means the world to me that you stopped by today.  If there is anything you’d like to learn about painting with acrylics, drop me a DM @kypaintster.

Teaching beginners is all I do and if you’ve been painting for a while and aren’t happy with your work, we probably should talk.

Let’s paint together real soon.


p.s.  While you’re on my YouTube channel watching the video I would really appreciate a thumbs up and subscribe to. my channel.  I post weekly about things beginning artists need to know.