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Change Your Artist Mindset

It All Starts In Your Head

Change your artist mindset

Change Your Artist Mindset

Many artists and especially beginning artists are afraid to paint, to show their work or to even admit that they do paint.  I remember my first blog post I wrote about my art journey, it took me three days to hit the publish button.

Fear stops people from doing more things they love and really want to do but are held back by fear.  Fear they don’t know what they’re doing.  No artist knows what they’re doing especially in the beginning, and the beginning can last 5-10 years.

Fear of failure.  Artists need to embrace failure because that’s learning in action.  We need to understand that all creativity comes with failure.  All those who excel at anything had many many failed attempts.  Failure is so frustrating.  And yet that’s where the growth happens.

One of my favorite statements is – “It’s all figureoutable”.  Learning to paint is a lot of figuring things out.  Even when you have a teacher right in front of you, you still have to figure out it can work for you.  Experimenting is critical in perfecting any type of skill.

Belief in yourself is so important to accomplishing anything.  We must be the little train who thought he could.  My father, for all his faults, instilled in me the belief that I could do anything.  I am so grateful for that belief.  Otherwise learning to paint at age 48 would never have happened for me.

I created a FREE printable workbook, Changing the Artist Mindset, and it’s loaded with ways to help you strengthen your artist mindset and for you to up your art game.  Click that big beautiful button below to download the FREE workbook.

Thanks my friend for being here today and enjoy the workbook.
