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Can Anyone Learn To Paint

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Anyone can learn to paint

Painting is a Skill!


I hear this all the time in the group and private lessons I teach.  I don’t think I can do this but I want to.  If you want to then you can!  Painting is a skill and you can learn a skill, you can practice a skill and you can improve on a skill.  It’s really that simple.

Now the practice isn’t simple, let me tell you, but those steps are simple.  Just like anything else you want to learn, like ballet, playing pickle ball, driving a race car, riding a horse, practice is the secret sauce.

In this video I’ll explain what I mean and how I can help you learn to paint and start improving on your art. 

I mention the Fall heART Challenge in the video and I just want you to know what we’ll be covering in that on September 13-15 with a bonus session on the 16th.  All classes are inside a private Facebook group that will be filled with people just like you who want to learn to paint or to improve their art.  We’ll be starting at 7 p/m/ EDT.

Subjects we’ll be covering:

  • The artist mindset
  • Tools of the Trade
  • Color theory
  • Values
  • Brushstrokes

Does any of that sound like things you’re struggling with?  I thought so, because that’s exactly what I struggled with 22 years ago when I first started painting.

Anyone can learn to paint and especially if it’s a true desire and you’re willing to put in the work.  Work?  Yes it takes work but with my focused lessons on exactly those topics in a 3 night challenge, you’ll be ready to move forward in no time.

The challenge is FREE but you do have to sign up.  So let’s get you signed up already.  Click that big beautiful button and put your best email in there.  Then make sure you slide my email into your primary folder and get it out of that nasty promotions or even worse spam folder.  Then you’ll always know what’s going on and no I won’t fill your email box with promotional stuff.

Let’s paint together real soon.  Like tomorrow night.