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Can A Brush Change Your Life

It did mine!

Artist brush that changed my life

Can A Brush Make Me A Better Artist

My sister-in-law Ann was one of the most talented people on the planet and she always amazed me at the many ways she was talented.  Aside from being hilariously funny she could paint, make jewelry, sew, create a beautiful home and love her family like no other.  She’s been gone for years now and I miss her all the time.
Years and years ago we went shopping together in downtown Cincinnati for art supplies she needed.  I wanted to learn to paint but had no where near the talent of Ann.  But I found myself in the art supply store staring at brushes, not having a clue what I needed.  My budget was practically non-existent but I found a small bright brush that I liked the way it felt in my hand.  I knew that if I got that brush and took it home my art would just flow right out of it.  So naturally, it had to go home with me.
Well, at the risk of disappointing all you beginning artists out there who feel like the right brush would make all the difference, I’m sorry to say it did not help me in the least.  But it did open up my eyes that it wasn’t the brush that I lacked, but the hours it would take for me to improve that was missing.
To get good at anything takes consistent practice.  Not once a month practice, but several times a week practice if only for 30 minutes or so at a time.  That’s how muscle memory is created and it only comes over time.  Time that is spent studying something, but then actually putting miles on the brush.
Do NOT get discouraged if you’ve spent good money on supplies and still struggle.  Every artist I know, some that have been painting for 20-30-40 years still struggle.  Struggle is definitely part of the journey of becoming good.  So if you’re struggling, you’re well on your way to achieving something many fantasize about but never accomplish.  Struggle is good.
Please enjoy this short video on my first good brush and how it changed my life.  https://youtu.be/1exqcwHSjog

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