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Try It Before You Buy ItFREE Painting Class

Buying An Acrylic Paint Set

Is It A Good Buy?

Acrylic paint product review

Acrylic Paint Sets

Are They A Good Gift?

In this video you will learn the pros and cons of buying an acrylic paint set either for yourself or as a gift.  I purchased this gift set to examine and determine how good of a gift it would be.  Watch the video to see my experience. 

I am an affiliate for Joann’s Fabrics where I purchased this set, although you can purchase a set like this just about anywhere.  Being an affiliate means, if you click on this link and purchase anything I will receive a small commission at no expense to you.   Click HERE for the link.

These sets can be good in that you get a lot of different colors to “play in”, but you don’t get very much paint for the long haul.

If you buy a set like this, please make sure you really evaluate what’s actually inside the set.  What type of paper is included, what are the size of the brushes, are the paints colors I’d use?  It looks good int the box, but is it worth the price?  These are all questions you should consider before the purchase.

In this video not only will I give you the pros and cons of a set like this but I also show you how to mix the paint and use the colors to paint a daisy, stems, leaves and grasses as well as how to use the brushes that came with the set and an extra budget friendly set.

There’s a lot packed into this video and I hope you enjoy it and can share it with anyone you think would enjoy it.

Have a Merry Christmas and let’s paint together soon,


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