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Try It Before You Buy ItFREE Painting Class

Brushes For Beginners

What to buy and what not to buy!

The Cheapest Brushes Will Only Frustrate You!

I’ve been where you are, standing in the big box art store trying to figure out which brushes to buy.  There’s tons of single brushes and then all those packages of brushes.  My head was spinning.

I’ve spent tons of $ on brushes I’ve never used, didn’t know how to use, and wouldn’t work with the acrylic paint I use.  If I were starting over today I would buy several natural hair bristle brushes sizes 6 & 10.  I really like long handled brushes so I’d get those.  Why you ask?  I know this will sound weird, but the further back on the handle you hold your brush the more control you actually have.  You also paint looser from there.  Your painting will not look so tight, but that comes with experience and practice.  Usually packages of brushes don’t have long handles, but there are some.  I’d actually forgo the long handles for better short handle brushes.  Does that make sense.
I’m going to show you 6 brush packs I photographed at a big box art store.  Some are good and some are best in the garbage can.  Sorry, but the truth hurts.

NEVER buy a pack of brushes like these.
They will only break your heart and waste your money.
Nothing in this pack is usable.

Don’t buy anything with the words Value Pack printed on them.
 They are not a value!

This pack is gimmicky ( and blurry.  Sorry)  The bristles are intentionally uneven for specialty uses that you will almost never use.  Learn to creatively use the brushes you have.

This is a pack of synthetic bristle brushes.  These will really break your heart and your spirit and make you wonder why you ever thought you could paint.  Take the money you would have spent here and buy the two single natural bristle brushes sizes 6 & 10.

This is a decent pack that will give you good results for under $15.

I have personally bought this pack and I like most if not all the brushes in here.  They are synthetic flats and they keep their shape after many uses.  I’m not wild about the fan brush in here, but it is still usable.  I seldom use the two round brushes in the pack, but they are fun and you can get some interesting results with them.  I just really don’t use any round brushes very often.


In reality, for $25 you should be able to get the two single natural bristle brushes and a pack of these synthetic flats.  That will be all the brushes you need for a while.  Naturally you could spend much more, but I honestly believe it is better to get started and learn how brushes and paint work together and what you can do with them.  It’s not necessary to have the most expensive tools, but always shy away from the cheapest also.

Thanks for stopping by today.  Have a great one!

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