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What’s It Like Being On A Podcast

Dr. Marsha McLean and Me Livin The Dream

Grandma 2.0 Podcast

What’s It Like Being On A Podcast?

Have you ever wondered what’s it like being on a podcast?  I can now answer that question.

Dr. Marsha Carter McLean, the host of the 2.0 Grandma Podcast contacted me and asked if I would be interested in being on her podcast for today’s grandma’s and how we are influencing and changing the landscape and the world.  Of course!  You had me at Grandma.

Being on a podcast can be terrifying, exhilarating and loads of fun all at the same time.  Marsha McLean is like no other grandma I know.  She’s a fashion diva and has a smile and laugh that can light up any room.  She made it extremely easy for me as we laughed and talked about how and why I create the art that I do.  Watch the video podcast below. 

I hope while you’re on her channel you’ll give it a thumbs up and subscribe and maybe even leave a comment.   It means a lot when you’ve put your heart and soul into something like this to see others love what you do.

Marsha was a consummate professional.  She asked for all my social media, had questions for me to answer, asked for a photo of me all so she could know where to take the interview.  Being on her podcast was like talking to a friend.

I have a mentor who keeps suggesting that I should start a podcast, but I have resisted because I’m already spread pretty thin with creating my own art, hosting the Beginner’s Painting Club, making videos for my YouTube channel and serving on the board of The Community Art Center.  But, I have to admit, it would be fun cause y’all know I love to talk.

Do you listen to podcasts and if so what kind?  Are you a crime junkie or a business guru or self help devotee’?  I listen to a lot of business podcasts and every once in a while I sneak in a crime show.

You know I’m an artist so being on a podcast was not exactly in my wheelhouse, but it was an absolute honor to get to now Marsha through the hour or so we spent together and finally find out what’s it like being on a podcast.

She is an incredibly creative person and you know I belong to the church of “Everyone’s Creative”, in one way or another.  Often what we’re creative at, we don’t see as creative.  Such as:

  • How we dress
  • The food we make
  • How we decorate our homes
  • How we do our jobs

There’s creativity in all of those aspects of our lives and so much more.  As I said in the podcast, painting is a skill and you can:

  1. Learn a skill
  2. Practice a skill
  3. Improve on a skill

If you need help with motivation for your art, I suggest a playlist I created on my YouTube channel just for that. 

If it’s in your heart to learn to paint or improve your art skills, may I suggest signing up to get the FREE printable beginning artist bundle in your inbox.  I’m not a spammer or a scammer, but I am a dedicated art teacher who wants to see everyone who wants to learn to paint, stop thinking about it and start slinging some paint.  Click HERE to get the bundle.

Don’t forget to give that podcast a listen, a thumbs up and a subscribe and maybe a comment.  We’d all appreciate it.

Have a great day and let’s paint together soon.

P.S.  If you’d like to connect with Dr. Marsha McLean and Grandmas 2.0 here’s her links.

Website: https://www.grandmas2point0.com/
IG: https://www.instagram.com/grandmas2.0/
FB: https://www.facebook.com/the2.0grandma
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCY02k3Q-5wHGjL6MjNlIazg

Join Grandmas2.0: https://www.grandmas2point0.com/get-started