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Beginning Drawing Lesson

Drawing Can Help Improve Your Art

Drawing Improves Your Painting

Why Drawing Helps You Paint

I’m sure that statement looks pretty weird, but it is very true.  Drawing/sketching is the basis of all art.  Regardless of the genre, it starts with an understanding of where you want to go with any particular piece and that begins with a sketch, if only in your mind. Now if you can get that sketch out of your head and onto paper your painting will improve.

Sketching and drawing are 2 different things so for the purpose of this post I’m only going to talk about drawing.  Drawing has more detail and is more complete.  When you draw something, especially from life, or something sitting right in front of you, you have to learn to see.  Learning to see what you’re actually looking at is a critical step in improving your art.  You can’t and won’t draw or paint what you don’t know is there.

Learning to see all the shades of a color, all the highlights and the shadows are what will take a flat drawing or painting to one that has life, interest and depth.  When you see it, you will draw or paint it.  Even a simple drawing like this apple can only be created by seeing and understanding the highlights and the shadows.  Until those things go in it will look just like a misshapen circle.

Click HERE to view the video.

If you’re new to drawing and you have no clue what you need to get started, you’re in luck.  I have a free guide all about drawing supplies for beginners.  Click below to get the guide in your inbox.

Click HERE to get my drawing supplies guide for beginners.

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Thanks so much for stopping by today and let’s paint together soon.


