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Beginner’s Painting Club

It's Open and I've Saved You A Seat

Beginner's Painting Club Open Enrollment

The Beginner’s Painting Club is open and waiting for all beginning painters.

The Beginner’s Painting Club was created to help people who want to learn to paint, not only learn the fundamentals of creating art, but also how to use them.  This is done through these 3 distinct sections of content.

Sections in the Beginner’s Painting Club

  • Fundamentals of Art
  • Elements of Art
  • Painting Classes

Fundamentals of Art:

Includes different classes on the fundamentals of art such as:  color theory, values, color wheels, color charts, perspective, drawing, composition, how to use different types of brushes and so much more.

As you learn the fundamentals of art I will also teach you how to use them so that you can improve your art.

Elements of Art:

I teach 4 types of paintings; landscape, seascape, floral, and still life.  Each of those types of paintings are made up of specific elements.

An example would be – let’s say you’re painting a landscape and you want to improve how you paint a pine tree.  You would go to the landscape section under elements of art, then look for pine trees and watch that lesson.  Then you can practice and improve that part of a landscape painting.  All sections work that same way.

Elements of Art can save you hours of time you might normally spend hunting on Pinterest or YouTube for the thing you want to learn so that you can confidently make more art and all you had to do was click a few buttons.

I have never seen anything like Elements of Art and I have to say I was inspired to create it the way I did.  This is exactly what I needed when I first started painting 20 years ago.

Painting Classes:

Every month as a member of the Beginner’s Painting Club you’ll have a new start to finish painting class available.  I pull the newest monthly Elements of Art lessons and put them into a painting so that you can see how those independent parts come together to create art.  At this writing there are 8 different start to finish painting classes in that section.

Other Benefits of Beginner’s Painting Club

  • Drawing classes are also included to support various lessons
  • Free private Facebook group with live weekly sessions
  • Everything is in one easy to use place
  • It was created for the beginning or relatively new painter who wants to improve their art
  • The library grows every single month
  • You pay as you go
  • You can cancel at any time

The Beginner’s Painting Club is only open 3 times a year and now is that time.  It is also the last time it will be offered at this low low price ever.

If you’re a beginning painter the Beginner’s Painting Club is perfect for you and will help you move your art journey forward much more quickly.  You will learn how and why the fundamentals work, how to use them in individual subjects and then put those subjects into paintings with confidence.

If it’s on your bucket list to learn to paint, the Beginner’s Painting Club is calling your name.  It couldn’t get any easier.

Click this big beautiful button to learn more and enroll now.

Thanks for stopping by today and remember the Beginner’s Painting Club closes 11:59 p.m. October 17, 2021.

Let’s paint together real soon.