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Art and Left Handedness

Does It Change How You Create Art?

art and left handedness

Art And Left Handedness

DISCLAIMER!  I’m a lefty so art and left handedness is very pertinent to me, but I know there are other lefties out there, (you know who you are) and I find the info in this video very eye opening. 

I told you it was interesting.  What did you think?  I didn’t know the stats about who was more likely to be left handed, boys or girls.  I didn’t realize how heavily weighted the general population is towards right handedness.

I’m fairly ambidextrous.  I do large muscle things like bowl and play golf with my right hand and I do small muscle things like writing, eating, painting and sewing with my left hand.  What about you?

Left Handed Pros and Cons

As a creative, I love the creative process but I also love analyzing what works in art and business.   According to articles I’ve read about art and left handedness, that’s not the norm.

I do bump up against the right handed world all the time in the weirdest places.  It usually has to do with writing or painting, like my sketchbook with the spiral binding.  I turn my book upside down so the spiral binding is on the right and my left hand isn’t always fighting with it.

If I use a clipboard to hold paper, it has to go upside down also to keep my hand in a position where I can actually write or draw.

Even a palette with the thumbhole is made to go on the left hand so you can paint with your right hand.  I often use disposable palettes with the thumbhole, especially when I’m teaching online, so I have to hold it upside down.  Art and left handedness brings on its own challenges aside from learning skills needed to paint or draw.

How a Leftie Learns

If you are left handed or you have children who are left handed, you need to remember they have to process information about how to use the thing and before they can use the thing.  If they are following any kind of picture directions, most likely they will need to flip the directions in their head before they can actually do the thing they’re trying to learn.

Being left handed can be challenging in a right handed world, but I also believe it does open up thinking outside the box more often.

I’m not sure about lefties being more creative because I know tons of right handed artists who are extremely creative, but I’m pretty sure about seeing things in a completely different way.

If you’re a leftie, press on learning to paint or draw because you have the advantage of using both sides of your brain more often and that helps increase your creativity.

Art and left handedness does not mean you will be the next Van Gogh (although he was left handed).   But it does mean your brain is utilizing both sides of it which opens up avenues to creativity in ways you might not have thought possible.

Get your FREE printable beginning artist bundle full of goodies about creating a plan to create more often, 5 Secrets Beginning Artists Should Know and an eBook on perspective. 

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Have a great day and let’s paint together soon!