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Try It Before You Buy ItFREE Painting Class

Are You Up For A Challenge?

A 3 Day Art Challenge That Is.

Improve your art with this beginner art challenge

Join The Challenge

Get out your calendar and put this in ink.  February 21-23, 7 p.m. EST BYO Brush Art Challenge.  Be there or be square.

During this 3 day art challenge we will work on the artist mindset, fundamentals like color theory and values, and we’ll paint a complete painting.  Yes all that in 3+ nights.

Click the button and join the challenge. 

Let’s talk MINDSET.  I have created a workbook just for you that will help you with your artist mindset.  I know it’s very difficult for beginning artists to even think the words, let alone say, “I’m an artist”.  And yet, You Are One.  Click that big beautiful button to get your workbook.

How About Those Fundamentals?  Learning and more importantly using fundamentals like color theory and values is critical in creating art.  Naturally in a 3 day challenge we can’t learn everything there is to know, but we can definitely make a good start and then we’re going to use them.

A Live Painting Class.  The last half of each night, we’ll be creating a painting in real time.

If you want to participate you’ll need

  1.  Something to paint on – I’ll be painting on a 10″ x 8″ canvas
  2. Brushes – I’ll be using a #10 natural bristle brush and a package of synthetic flat brushes.  (They can be purchased at any big box art store but don’t buy the cheapest set.  Should be somewhere between $12 and $15).
  3. Paint – I’ll be using dioxazine purple, ultramarine blue, alizarin crimson, hookers green, titanium white, and cad yellow medium.  (Craft paint will not work for what we are doing.  You can purchase a small set of acrylic artist paints for under $30 or individual tubes of student grade acrylic paints in those or similar colors.).

If you’d rather just watch that is perfectly fine too, but we’ll be putting the fundamentals to use in the painting so you will be learning a lot by painting.

This challenge is perfect if you’ve always wanted to learn to paint but life got in the way.  You’ll have the opportunity to learn fundamentals and put them to use and you’ll have the workbook on the artist mindset to help you get over the fear of trying something new and inhibiting.  The whole idea of the challenge is to have fun and open up a door you’ve been longing to open but were afraid.

Your workbook will come to you in your inbox and a day later you will receive another email from me with the link to join a private Facebook group where the challenge will be held each night.  Follow that link and ask to join and I’ll let you in.  I’m already posting in there so learning is already going on.  I can’t wait to see you in there.

So just in case you didn’t do it yet, here’s that button again to get this journey started.

Every artist was a beginner sometime, and now is your time to hop on the artist train and unleash your creative genius,

See you in the Facebook group.