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Try It Before You Buy ItFREE Painting Class

Are YOU Up For A Challenge?

I've built a 3 day challenge all around values and you're invited.

Understanding Values

Value Challenge

Values are just about the most important thing to improving your art.  I’ve said this a million times.  “If your painting is off, it’s probably in the values”.

If that sounds like greek to you, you really should sign up for my 3 day challenge beginning May 23, 24, & 25 at 7 p.m.  It’s inside a private Facebook group and you need to save your seat to get in.

Why should you sign up?  There are a boatload of art concepts to learn as a beginner but nothing is as important as learning, understanding and using values.

Values give your painting:

  • Form
  • Dimension
  • Depth
  • Realism
  • Sparkle
  • Pizazz
  • Zing

Without values your painting will look flat.  It has nothing to do with the color or even if the drawing is correct.  Values are what gives a painting that 3D look, they make a painting zing.  The color can be off but if the values are right, your painting will work.

So what’s in the challenge you ask?  Great question.  Now for the answer.

In the challenge, If you choose to accept it, you will learn at least these three things.  

  1. You will learn why values are so important in your artwork.
  2. You will learn how pressure on the brush can completely change your values and your artwork.
  3. And finally you will learn how to put those 2 concepts to work in a painting.

And that’s all on the first night, May 23.

I truly believe that if your painting is off, 99% of the time it’s because your values are off.  So May 24, 7-8 p.m. EST we’ll be talking about values, values, and then some values.  We’ll also have a live Q & A session where you can ask questions about values. Values are so fundamental for your art to have the depth you’re probably looking for.  

And then on the 25th 7-8 p.m.  EST We’ll be looking at lots of examples of values and how it affects the artwork.  We’ll also explore how poor values can doom your painting.

Hopefully you’re getting the idea of what this fabulous 3 day challenge is all about.  This is exactly what I needed 20 years ago when I first started painting.  This was a hard concept to pound into my head and I’m still learning, improving and perfecting my use of values.

After you sign up you will receive an email thanking your for signing up and then shortly after that you’ll receive an email with a link for the Facebook page where the challenge will be hosted. Make sure to open those emails.  I’m already posting lots of useful info for the beginning artist on there, so as soon as you get the link hop on in there and start giving your artwork the sparkle you want.  

I am so excited about this challenge because I know it’s exactly what the beginning artist needs and is often the hardest info to find.

Let’s paint together real soon.  Like May 23, 24 & 25.

P.S.  Just in case you’re still on the fence about the Beginning Art Challenge I have 8 things that might help with that.

  • Everything you paint has form in one way or another.  To create that form you use values. 
  • Values are the various shades of a color.  
  • As light hits an object it creates highlights and shadows.  Values are what creates those highlights and shadows.
  • Every object needs a minimum of 3 values to give it the form of the object.
  • Your artwork will look flat without the correct values.
  • Colors can be wrong but if the values are correct your painting will work.  
  • Values give your painting depth and perspective.
  • You will start to see more values in things and then start putting those values in your painting.

Happy Painting!