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Achieving 2 Point Perspective

Make sure your building doesn't look wonky!

achieving building perspective

Achieving Perspective on a Building

Whoa now!  Don’t go gettin all scared thinking this is math with rulers and all that.  It’s definitely not!!!  This is a short usable explanation of how to get your building to look more correct.  Let’s not waist any more time.  Click that big beautiful button.

Now that wasn’t so hard was it.  As in all art skills, it takes practice so grab some large paper and start actually drawing your building and using what you just learned. It’s one thing to watch, but you will imprint that lesson much more quickly by actually doing the drawing.

One thing to remember about getting perspective right is your roof line, tops and bottoms of doors and window all need to slant down as they go away from you on the paper.  How much of a slant is determined by where you place the vanishing point.

If your vanishing point is close to the point you decided as your beginning point of the building, your building will be severe, but it will still be correct.  Put your vanishing point further away from the building and your building will look more correct or normal if you will.  You vanishing point very well may be at the very edge of your paper or even off your paper.  In that case, you will need another piece of larger paper under your drawing to keep your vanishing point consistent.  First try putting your vanishing point at the very edge of your paper and see if that works for you.

This is exactly the type of lesson that is inside the Beginner’s Painting Club and the next time it opens will be May 2022.  Click HERE to learn more about this monthly instructional club created especially for the beginning painter, and get on the waiting list.  It’s never too late to learn to paint.  I promise to not explode your inbox with a zillion emails, but you’ll know when the Beginner’s Painting Club opens so you can get in on all this goodness.

If you’re more the type that just wants it all at once, well I can help with that.

I can’t wait to help you on your journey as a beginning artist.  That’s all I teach and there’s a specific reason for that.

It’s been great chatting today and I hope you learned all about achieving perspective on your building and how easy it can be.  I also hope you learned a little bit about me and why I’m so passionate to help beginning artists get a great foundation under them so they can really move forward quicker in their art journey.

Have a great day and let’s paint together real soon.

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