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10 Ways to Improve Your Art

Without Painting

10n Ways to Improve Your Art

10 Ways To Improve Your Art

and painting isn’t one of them

Yes!  You read that right!  There are ways to improve your art without actually painting.

Having said that, I’m the cheerleader who says, “Put miles on your brush”.  But there are ways you can improve your mindset, your inspiration, your practice and how to do things that will improve your art.

In this video I go over 10 ways to improve your artwork without painting.  I know there are times in our lives where time is at such a premium that it is almost overwhelming to even think about sitting down and painting for an hour or two.  I truly believe there is much you can do in 30 minutes but I really understand the overwhelm.

Is this you?  “I have to get out my supplies, clean off the kitchen table, find some inspiration, put out the paint, find a canvas, get the brushes all before you even sit down to paint.  Now I have to summon my knowledge and skill and finally put brush to canvas.”

There are other ways to improve your art and this video will give you 10 ways to improve your art even if you can’t paint right then.  Click that big beautiful button and watch the video.

Hope this was helpful and erases some of the guilt you may feel for not pursuing your dream of learning to paint or improving your art.

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