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10 Minute Drawing Practice

and how it can improve your painting skills.

10 minute, drawing, practice, improve, skills,

How Practice

Improves your Art!

It doesn’t seem that practicing drawing would actually improve your painting skills, but it really does.  Here’s how!

  • You start to see better
  • You understand shadows better
  • You understand highlights better
  • You understand perspective better

Practicing for just 10-15 minutes a day, 5-6 days a week will bring about all the improvements listed above in a short amount of time.

Here’s my model of the day, a mug on a stand.

Here’s the drawing finished.

I learned to look at the actual shape of the mug itself. It’s not perfect, but I made a few changes that improved it.  Getting that stand correct took some time.  Seeing that shadow on the left side of the mug was interesting.  Realizing that I was looking at the inside of the handle and the top of the handle and how to make that have a 3D effect.  Trying to give a 2D surface appear to be 3D takes practice.

Practice just 10 minutes a day.  Make it part of your morning routine, do it after lunch before you go back to work, or do it in the evening while watching TV.  10 minutes practice a day is sufficient to really start improving your painting.

How does this translate to painting.

Anytime you can improve how and what you see, your  art will improve.  When you see better, you paint better.  You notice the depth of things.  You see the differing values in objects and then you paint them better.

Click the button below to see a video on learning how to see. 

I have a free Ebook on 3 ways to improve your art.  Click that big beautiful button below to sign up for the ebook and receive it in your inbox.

Improving your art takes time and effort, but it is totally within your reach.  My YouTube channel is full of videos created for beginning artists.  Please give it a thumbs up and subscribe to my channel.  Click that little bell to receive notifications when I upload new videos weekly.

But, here comes the disclaimer.  Don’t spend all your time watching videos.  Spend more time actually practicing than watching others paint or draw.  Pick up those pencils and start drawing.